Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes, we can.

But we've only started. Remember, we means me and you.


lacochran said...

Yes we can. Yes we did. Yes we will!

Anonymous said...

Could we of, would we of, if McCain was elected.
Anonymous #2

Anonymous said...

Can what?

Bar L. said...

That's right!

Anonymous said...

yes, we could of if McCain was elected! some of, we wouldn't if he was, and some of we would blame him...but that's not where we are so I'll just say "Yes, we can!".

Anonymous said...

yes, we could of if McCain was elected! some of, we wouldn't if he was, and some of we would blame him...but that's not where we are so I'll just say "Yes, we can!".

Amy Flanagan said...

We could and we can do anything! People came out in droves and made their voice be heard. In some ways, I think that's an even bigger story than the outcome. That means all hands are on deck! We are all ready to make this country even better than it has ever been. Can what? Anything! Don't just say it. Live it!

Anonymous said...

My short and to the point statement of: Could we of, would we of, if McCain was elected, was to only to ask if the outcome numbers were the same record amounts but the results different, 52% for McCain and 46% for Obama, would your feelings about election be the same? Would you be ready to make this country a better place or just paint McCain as the next George Bush. Would you have given him the benefit of the doubt, as I am prepared to do?
Can we really say we are ready to come together as a country just because an election had a large turn out? Anonymous #2

Amy Flanagan said...

Anon #2: You might be surprised, but there were many days I told people we had to rally around our President in order to preserve our country and national dignity. Unfortunately he lost me about 18 months ago and I just couldn't bring myself to get excited about him anymore. His parting remarks at the G8 summit just really hammered those nails right into that coffin. I still respected the office, but I had lost a lot of respect for the man.
That said, if McCain had won I would have rallied around him, too. I wonder if you believe me, but I hope you do. I love this country so much. My life is amazing and it wouldn't be possible anywhere else. And I know that if Obama doesn't run this country as smart as he ran his campaign you will have a chance to test my words in four years.
(I have to admit I would have a hard time rallying around Palin - not because I think she is unintelligent, I suspect she is quite smart. But she is very willing to take rights away from people - especially women - and that scares me. This is the greatest country in the world and that is mostly based on all of our wonderful freedoms.)