Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I have learned that carrying a car seat into a car dealership drastically reduces your negotiating power.

For those of you who have been following my blog, the good news is that I FINALLY got a new car.


drewzepmeister said...

It's great that you got a new car! I'm happy for you! Now only if I could get someone to steal mine...again!

julie said...

yeah - what did you get?? I hate car shopping...

Jayar said...

For me walking into the dealership at all reduces my negotiating power.
Anyhoo. Congratulations.

kc bob said...

Did you chicken out of your last post? I thought the title and the picture was hilarious!

Amy Flanagan said...

I got the same car I've been driving for 10 years...only 10 years newer! Honda CRV. I'm so exciting. I know.
And, okay Bob, you caught me. It's back up! :)