Friday, September 12, 2008

If I come across a ballpoint pen that I really, really like I can't help but take it. Even from a charity.

Oh yeah, right. You would never do it.


Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

I'm a gel pen person, so I don't really like any ballpoint pens. If I find any cool ones you can have them.

Bar L. said...

Hey I'm a gel pen person too but yeah, I'd steal one from a charity (then make a guilt donation later)

I LOVE gel pens.

JerseySjov said...

haha this is so true of me. i have a little stash of ballpoint pens from various organizations that i just HAD to have

R.N.D. said...

I like taking pens from the bank. Not those cheap black ones chained to the counter, they never work.

The nice ones tellers use. I always see a couple within arms reach.

Some times I get caught though, but most of the time..... its mine!!

They're only paying me 0.25% interest on my money anyway. I need a little something extra.

Milly said...

someone at work took my fav pen right out of my pocket thing. They are sooo wrong for that. I took it when they weren't looking.

Amy Flanagan said...

Sorry about your incident, but it seems I am not alone. Thanks for the confessions, all. Coveted pens are good stuff.

Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

As far as pens go, my favorite is the Pilot G2.

Amy Flanagan said...

Mike, how do you do those linky things?

Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

Here's a link that will tell you better than I could:

HTML Links aka Linky Things