I'd like to know how many people read my blog, but I'm not very technical. I did sign up for sitemeter which tells me how many hits I get each day, but I don't now how many different people those hits represent. So, if you read can you just yell out, "I DO!" and I'll count you all up.
I love your blog, but it gets fed into my Google Reader, so I don't usually visit :)
I'm with Pam; I read it by RSS and don't normally visit.
I do :) and I don't know how to do RSS so I visit
I do and I don't even know what RSS is. But sometimes I visit more than once a day if there is no entry for the day just to see if one is posted later, so I may mess up your numbers. (This is a fine examples of a run-on sentence!)
I wish I knew how to quit you.
I read your blog in a feedreader.
i think your blog is a riot! you can use google analytics which is a free tracking tool and you'll be able to see the unique visit count.
i do!
sitemeter should tell you how many unique visitors you have, which is different than total page hits.
i am an extremely unique visitor.
I do! All the way from England, and I love it!
i do
me too
I'm an RSS reader of your blog.
Me me me! Me read!
I do.
I do, too. Yer funny.
i do i do i do
One way you can tell is by looking at how long people are on your blog, if someone was only there for 0 seconds...they probably aren't reading. But then again, some of us read via our readers (I use Bloglines) and in that case you can't tell that we read.
I always do because I think you're pretty warped, and I mean that in the absolute best sense of the word.
I like to read it with my morning coffee...
Or maybe I sometimes read it BEFORE my morning coffee...
Sometimes I read it just out of the shower. You know, all damp from the shower...yeah, you heard me.
Sometimes I like to read it in a restraining harness. Leather.
i do!
I do.
I do 2.
Thanks for the I DO's! I really just thought you'd yell it, but it was so nice to hear from so many of you! I read most of your blogs, too. Even Michelle's on microbiotic eating and yoga. It goes great with my diet coke and food bar. Thanks for reading, all!
I do!
If you're interested in regular subscribers numbers, I suggest you look into Feedburner - it's really easy to use and they walk you through getting set up.
If you're so inclined, you can even use Feedburner to show the number of subscribers you have right on your site.
i do!
I read it, but never out loud, so your sitemeter probably doesn't know about me. I do, however, move my lips, which is picked up by any lip-reading meters.
Add me to the list!
I do! I tell people about your blog all the time.
i do!
Yup, count me too!
Every day - I love it!
Brilliance! I try to check once a week:]
I do!!
I DO! And, I do love it!
I Do!
And you are some very funny kinda gal!
Oh, thank you! I feel like George at the end of It's A Wonderful Life!
I just did (new) and will do.
join ewebcounter it tells you where everyone comes from
me too
I check in with you about once a week. Love your writing. Found you thru Barbara(Aka Layla).
howdy ya'll
Thanks, everyone! I keep checking in on your blogs. Will have to check in on some of your site counter suggestions!
I do. I know this is late, but I was on vacation :)
I don't know about RSS either, just visit.
i do.
I'm a reading
I do
i do! and it rocks!
I do. About once a month I remember it's there and check it out for a laugh/smile.
I DO...I DO...I DO...This may be the only time I will ever get to say those words :-)
I DO, too!
I know I'm late, but I read your blog, and I absolutely love it! in fact...I have a link to it in my blog.
i do (but not as often as i'd like)
I do!
First time with you today. Your blog makes me think. Darn you! lol
I will, now that I've discovered it, right here, sipping tea from my Café Grumpy mug, while sitting in my Parisian apartment on this colder than usual rainy day.
Your blog is clever and funny, with a smidgen of thoughtful melancholy.
I DO! I don't RSS however. I do Tweet and that is how I found your blog. Not your Tweet mind you, someone elses Tweet. It was one of those Tweets you see after snooping to see who (or is it whom?) actually follows the porn spammers. You know. When you get a porn spammer and they are following 936 people but there are 10 following them. I like to see who those 10 followers are. Just so happens when I found your blog, the follower was a retired police officer turned 3rd grade teacher. Creepy huh? Anyway, that's how I found your blog. Love it by the way. Will be back again soon.
Thank you all!
Alex, I'm flattered you're reading across the drink. Are you French or just in France?
Jeanette, um wow. I didn't know there was Twitter porn spammers, but a third grade teacher following them? Where is my happy place?
Thanks for reading everyone!
you're the latest addition to my rss reader
Thanks, April!
I DO but i only found it when i was looking for " the golden girls" :)
I'm reading your blog for the first time. OMG Amy I almost forgot how hilarious and quirky you are! THANK YOU for the short comments . . . I NEVER read blogs and I'm reading yours - that's a big compliment.
This is a great blog! Keep it up!
Bernie from http://smartPeopleIKnow.Wordpress.com
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